Estate-wide strategy – identifying and promoting alternative land uses including residential, tourism and economic development related uses.
Services provided
Wemyss & March Estates
A comprehensive review of the Wemyss & March landholding throughout East Lothian and the Scottish Borders identifying opportunities for development and/or disposal across a wide range of uses including residential, tourism and employment sectors.
An ongoing Estate Strategy looking at revenue raising opportunities whilst not diluting the Estate’s key assets and maintaining a role as key landowner and employer.
Identification of and planning permission secured for a number of non-residential opportunities for tourism/community based initiatives.
Ongoing representation on Rural Voice lobby group – championing the role of the rural economy in balancing an urban centric planning policy focus.
The identification of key development opportunities leading to ongoing local development plan submissions and large scale residential development on a number of sites.
Delivery of significant land sale receipts for the client.