Planning permission secured for major mixed use regeneration of former Scottish Agricultural College site.
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AWG Property
A major regeneration project requiring the preparation and submission of a major mixed use redevelopment of the Auchencruive Estate, to the north-east of Ayr, to enable the relocation of the Scottish Agricultural College from their existing premises to a new campus in Ayr as part of the newly formed University of the West of Scotland.
This was a green belt site, largely undeveloped with a number of listed buildings and structures and set in a designated designed landscape. The site suffered from poor road access, yet through clear explanation and justification of the enabling basis for the application, early and proactive engagement with local elected members and community groups the proposal achieved planning permission for a major mixed use development of over 400 homes, a hotel, over 100,000sq.ft of commercial/business space and new golf course.
Planning permission secured
The resulting increase in land value was a critical element in ensuring the financial viability of the relocation of the college into the new Campus.