Planning permission secured for Phase 1 of 450 new home development at Longniddry South, East Lothian.
Services provided
Cruden, Places for People, Zero C
APT acted with regards to securing planning permission in principle for the development of up to 450 new homes as part of the significant southern expansion of Longnidrry, East Lothian.
APT coordinated the preparation and submission of applications for the approval of ‘Matters Specified in Conditions’. (AMC).
This required the preparation and attendance at public consultation events and the completion of a Pre-Application Consultation Report.
APT coordinated a joined-up approach featuring three distinct sites with three developers.
APT oversaw the preparation of a single comprehensive Design and Access Statement covering the three sites and coordinated the submission of three major applications and the subsequent negotiation and liaison with East Lothian Council, local community groups and politicians,
APT presented the three applications at planning committee and worked with the clients and local authority to discharge all pre-construction conditions to enable on-site works to start.
Planning permission in principle for 450 new homes at Longniddry South secured.
Further permissions secured to enable the development of Phase 1 consisting of 179 new homes.
Three clients able to start on site at Longniddry in line with construction programme and enabling the delivery of a major Local Development Plan allocation.